[IKE22-10]【Preventing Heat Stroke】
It is getting hot, so please be careful not to get heat stroke.
There are leaflets explaining how to prevent heat stroke in multiple languages.
Be sure to read through.

●Wearing masks
Wearing masks prevents the effective release of heat from facial skin and increases the risk of heat stroke.
According to the announcement by the Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry, there is no need to wear a mask outdoors. Especially when you are exercising, take it off.
However, if you talk with someone within 2 meters from each other, you still need to wear a mask.
It is also important to drink water frequently even if you do not feel thirsty.

●Using air conditioning
Using air conditioners is effective in preventing heat stroke.
To prevent COVID-19, though, occasional ventilation is necessary even during use.
The room temperature will rise after ventilation, so make some adjustments such as turning the temperature settings down on your air conditioner.

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E-mail: infokanagawa@kifjp.org
Kanagawa International Foundation

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