[IKE16-21]Watch out for Mosquitoes
A mosquito bite can infect us with dengue fever or Zika fever. We should take steps to prevent an increase in mosquitoes and take care not to get bitten. Mosquitoes breed in rainwater accumulated in empty bottles or cans or in tap water in buckets, planters, or water trays.

□ Mosquito control: Don’t store rainwater. Check around your residence for any containers in which water could accumulate. If you find any, empty the water and put the container in a place away from rainfall or, if it is unnecessary, dispose of it.

□ Avoid mosquito bites: Use a screen on windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering your residence. When outdoors near foliage, wear a long sleeve shirt and long pants to limit exposure of your bare skin, and apply a bug spray.

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