[IKE17-12]Refrain from feeding honey to infants under one year of age
□An important message to parents and guardians of infants:
・Babies under one year old who are fed honey risk becoming infected with bacteria that causes botulism.
・Honey is a food with a high risk to infants under one year of age.
・Botulinum bacteria is heat-resistant, so heating or cooking the honey does not kill the bacteria. Honey and products like drinks or sweets that contain honey should not be given to babies under one year of age.

□An important message to food companies:
・Please provide easy-to-understand information to consumers expressing that “Honey and products that contain honey should not be served to infants under one year of age.”

□Refrain from feeding honey to infants until they have reached one year of age. (Japanese)
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

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Kanagawa International Foundation

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