[IKE17-39]Personal Seal
In Japan, it is common to use a personal seal instead of a signature.
There are two kinds of seals: a private seal (mitome-in) and an officially registered personal seal (jitsu-in).
Both can be made at a seal-maker shop, but the cost differs greatly by quality of material used.

Private seal (mitome-in) use:
-Procedures at city hall, ward office
-Courier and post office receipt of letters and packages
-Banking such as opening an account, withdrawing money, closing an account

Officially registered personal seal (jitsu-in) use:
-Purchase of property, home
-Inheritance procedures, loan contract
Important public documents require an officially registered seal.

You can register your personal seal at your local municipal office.
Only one seal can be registered per person.
The officially registered seal is associated with legally and socially important rights and obligations.
You need to keep the two kinds of seals separate and store the registered one carefully.

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Kanagawa International Foundation

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