[IKE13-26]Health checks and immunizations for infants and toddlers
Health checks and immunizations are provided for infants and toddlers to protect them from diseases. Please confirm the dates and location at your city hall or ward office.

■Ages for health checks
Infants three to four months, one and a half years old, three years of age. Height and weight measurements will be taken. A doctor will provide a medical examination.

Immunizations, including injections, help prevent communicable diseases. Depending on the immunization, some are free of charge while others are available for a fee.

Explanation about different vaccinations and inoculation ages can be found on this website
Click on the top PDF for the English version.
Foundation of Vaccination Research Center

※Please let us know if the link does not work.
E-mail: infokanagawa@k-i-a.or.jp
Kanagawa International Foundation

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