[IKE13-34]University Scholarships
Support 21 Social Welfare Foundation offers scholarship to university/college students (third year undergraduate or above) or graduate students.

Tsuboi Ichiro / Jinko Student Support Program 2014

Foreign resident or naturalized Japanese citizen who is at least in the third year of college by April 2014 or who is a graduate student (masters/doctoral course) in one of the following criteria:

(1)Refugees (including Indo-Chinese refugees), Convention Refugee or their children

(2)Refugees (returnees from China), long-term residents (including those of Japanese descent) and their children
・Foreign students, students with naturalized Japanese citizenship who are regarded equal to the above-mentioned criteria have possibilities for eligibility, except students with foreign student visa.

■Guidelines for Applications and Application form
Please refer to the website for details.

■Academic year: April 2014 to March 2015

■Application deadline:December 11, 2013 (Wed.)

■Inquiry and Application Support 21 Social Welfare Foundation office (in Japanese) Tel: 03-5449-1311
E-mail: info@support21.or.jp

※Please let us know if the link does not work.
E-mail: infokanagawa@k-i-a.or.jp
Kanagawa International Foundation

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