[IKE13-40]Safety in the New Year
The year 2014 is Heisei 26 in the Japanese calendar. It is the year of the horse, according to the Chinese astrological calendar. INFO KANAGAWA will continue to provide information to promote safety in the lives of Kanagawa prefecture residents.

It is almost three years since the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Disasters cannot be predicted and we never know when or where they will occur.
Please prepare supplies, food, and water available if necessary.
Please discuss among family members what to do in case of a disaster.

■Earthquake Emergency Procedures from the Institute for Fire Safety and Disaster Preparedness
Click on the PDF link to the right of the cover page which reads: 地震に自信をto open the multi-lingual publication of “Jishin ni jishin wo.” (Languages are English, Hangul, Chinese, and Portuguese.)
■Earthquake Emergency Procedures from Kanagawa Prefecture International Policy Research Center (Tagalog and other languages)
■Japan Meteorological Agency
(English) http://www.jma.go.jp/jma/indexe.html

※Please let us know if the link does not work.
E-mail: infokanagawa@k-i-a.or.jp
Kanagawa International Foundation

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