[IKE13-42]Kanagawa Prefecture Technical Occupation School recruiting students for April 2014
Yokohama(East Campus) and Hadano(West Campus) technical occupation schools are recruiting students. Here you can gain skills that will help in finding employment. Courses include automobile mechanics, landscape gardening, electrics, and food preparation at caregiving facilities. Applicants take admission tests in math and Japanese language, followed by an interview. All tests are in Japanese.

■Terms: 6 months, 1 year, 2 years
■Fees: Tuition fees are required for the 1 and 2 year courses. The 6-month course and some 1 year courses are free of charge. All participants must pay for their own educational materials and work clothes.
■Due date: Feb. 3 (Mon.)
■Selection date: Feb. 16 (Sun.)
■Acceptance announcement: Feb. 27 (Thu.)
■Entrance date: Apr. 4 (Fri.)
■Orientation sessions:
・Jan. 19 (Sun.) start times at 10:00 and 11:30. Location: Kanagawa Labor Plaza, 3-min. walk from Ishikawa-cho Stn., JR Negishi Line
・Jan. 20 (Mon.) start times at 13:30 and 15:00. Location: Human Resources Development Center, 10-min. walk from Fujisawa Stn., Odakyu Line and JR Tokaido Line.
■Sample lesson: It is possible to experience a sample lesson. Please call one day in advance by 17:00 to apply. (No lessons are available on Saturday, Sunday, or holidays.)
・Yokohama (East Campus): Jan. 24 (Fri.), 27 (Mon.), 29 (Wed.), start times at 10:00 and 13:00.
Tel: 045-504-2810
・Hadano (West Campus): Jan. 25 (Sat.), 31 (Fri.), start times at 9:30 and 13:00
Tel: 0463-80-3002

For details, please see the website in Japanese: http://www.pref.kanagawa.jp/cnt/f360926/

※Please let us know if the link does not work.
E-mail: infokanagawa@k-i-a.or.jp
Kanagawa International Foundation

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